Interview Writeup-Morgan Petiti

Interview with Aaron Pope

Prepared by Morgan Petiti

On Tuesday April 13 at 4:15p.m., my partner and I conducted an interview

with Aaron Pope at the California Academy of Sciences. Aaron Pope has been

interested in the climate for a long time. He majored in environmental

studies at the University of California Santa Barbara. Following college,

he went to Washington D.C. and worked for a non-profit organization in

their environmental sector. He arrived and has worked for the Academy of

Sciences for two and a half years now. He was able to provide us with the

scientific point of view of global warming with many examples, including

metaphors. One metaphor that he used was the carbon dioxide is like the

feathers to a down bed, the more feathers you add, the hotter it gets.

When we conducted the interview, our interviewee, Aaron Pope, was very

informational. Mr. Pope was excited to answer the questions that we

presented to him. He enjoyed the fact that there are people out there who

care about the environment the same way he did. He was bubbly and answered

every question the best way he possibly could, without making it way too

confusing with all the scientific terms. My partner and I were treated

very well. He viewed us as though we were adults, not little children. He

was not impatient and took time and cared about what we were asking.

When conducting the interview, there were some questions that I already

was expecting a certain answer. One answer that my partner and I received

was that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was the highest

that it has ever been. After reading our informational book on global

warming and seeing that statistic in the book, I assumed that Mr. Pope was

going to answer the same way as the book did. Another answer that I

expected to learn was that we as human beings should not try to get rid of

all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but just try to lower the amount

of it. If we got rid of it all, then we would die because not only us, but

the Earth itself needs the carbon dioxide to survive.

When the interview was going on, there were many things said that I did

not ever expect to learn from an interview with global warming. For

starters, even though the media says scientists have not made an unanimous

decision about global warming, it is proven that 95% of scientists all

agree that there is a climate change occurring. These scientists are

people in NASA, the scientists for the CIA, FBI, all people who are the

best at what they do. Another amazing fact that was presented is that the

media gets paid about 100 million dollars by companies to tell the people

watching the news that global warming does not actually exist. Another

very surprising fact was that the last time that the amount of carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere was this high was about 65 million years ago

when the dinosaurs went extinct. Today we are actually higher in the

amount of carbon dioxide then the atmosphere had then.

Overall, the interview was an amazing experience. My partner and I learned

information that neither of our books told us. We both walked out of the

interview feeling that we gained so much more information than we had

already new. The really amazing things were the facts that people not

watching the news would know, such as the bribes to hide the truth from

people and the almost unanimous decision that scientists have with global

warming. It was a pleasure interviewing someone who has been interested in

the climate for a long time and wants to help preserve it and show people

that the change is needed. He actually said after World War II, The United

States made the change needed, showing that people are capable of making

the change necessary. The action that Mr. Pope says needs to be done is to

get the political people to agree that there is something wrong and for

them to help get people to make the change. We would need all six billion

people to make the change to truly see the difference.