Action Reflection- Dominic Rodiack

Action Reflection
Prepared by Dominic Rodiack
I chose the Poster as my action because I feel that global warming and climate change is a big part of our future and that it is much more effective to get students attention through graphics. I hope that the poster will reveal to students through graphics the dangerous consequences from global warming. On the poster is the image of a polar bear on a stranded piece of ice. I hope that this poster shows the problems that global warming is doing. One of the consequences is the fact that the polar bears are dying and the arctic is being destroyed from climate change.
 I wanted to physically show that animals and humans are being injured by global warming. I want this poster to get the students attention and make them start to think about going greener themselves. Everyone needs to make the change in order for a change to actually be seen. I believe that the action worked well because I am showing people the consequences that are coming, and people hopefully will feel like making a change.
I believe that this action has gotten me to think more about the footprint that I leave by using more water or electricity and I think it will make me be more conscious about my choices when it comes to energy and saving.  I want to be more environmentally friendly and make it so we have a greener world. This project makes me see the problems in the world due to global warming and I want to help and try to solve these problems.